Thursday 1 September 2011

time to go

All my goodbyes are said and there is nothing left to do but the final packing but get on the train early tomorrow.

Here is what I have been doing the last few days.

Next news from India!

Lovely walk from Kingston on Bank Holiday Monday with Ann, John, Pat, David and doggies.

Meal out in Plymouth on Tuesday with Kate and Zac - fantastic Asian food to get me acclimatised.

Day out with Kate, Zac and the children on Wednesday. Megan did have a good time - honestly.

Visit to Guy and Hanni in Cornwall Wednesday night. Barbecued mackerel under the stars.

 Guy - soooo glad to have seen you before I go.

 Lanterns and 'family crippler' fireworks with Andrew, Sarah, Eeanor and Imogen. What a send-off!

1 comment:

kate said...

ha ha what a hideous picture of me at view pan asian :0