Monday 5 September 2011

people and where they live

I have had some success with photographing people. Some people don't want to be photographed, but some do - just like at home really1 Some people want a photograph of themselves with me, to show their friends they have met an English person.

So here are the people I have met and photographed over the last two days.

On Sunday I went for a walk down a street which was where local people lived and shopped. These two girls were standing on a corner and were quite interested in me. The man they were with was not.

A bit further down the road a bus stopped and all these men got off. I tried to pretend I was taking a general view of the street, but one of the men saw what I was doing and waved wildly. He seemed quite pleased to star in my photo.

A little further on there was a small hall with an open front. When I looked in there was a group of women and children sitting around, quite dressed up for some sort of occasion. They smiled and beckoned me in. It was muslim wedding party. I stayed with them for a couple of hours and shared their meal of beef biryani - eaten with the figures (right hand only). The children practised their English on me , 'Hello, how are you?' The nephew of the bride groom explained that because this was a second marriage it was not such a lavish occasion.

Children at the wedding

Someone's granny at the wedding

Today while I was sitting in the park this family group took an interest in me. They thought is was very funny when I spoke to them. The littlest girl was very shy and had to be held to come this close to me.

While walking round the back streets today I took these pictures of places people live. In spite of the conditions the people are always beautifully turned-out - particularly the women.

Houses in an alleyway

Houses by a creek


WW said...

Wow Helen you really are finding out about the real India - sounds fantastic! Keep blogging Love Wendy x

kate said...

the women look so beautiful. it must take them ages to get ready (although maybe not the granny at the wedding lol)
good luck with your bumpy bus journey tomorrow xx