Monday 19 September 2011


Alleppey is the main destination for exploring the backwaters. In the guidebook it is described as the Venice of India, based on the fact that it does have a couple of canals running through it; but that is perhaps a little too romantic a description and taking the comparison too far.
View of a canal
It is the biggest town that I have stayed I so far and a main transport hub for the area. The traffic and general mayhem in the main street reflects this and buses hurtle down the roads to and from the bus station at alarming speed, with the conductor hanging out of the back and ringing his bell to let the driver know that there doesn’t seem to be an imminent collision.
In the main street above a row of shops are intricate carvings of a Hindu temple.

I took a walk to the main beach about 4km from the town. It was a strip of white sand rather like the beach on Vypin Island.
There is a long metal pier which was built by the British, but now crumbling. I sat on the sand for a while and talked to a couple of Indian men who had a day off from work. One was a traffic policeman. He said that the traffic was very dangerous and there are many accidents. Then he offered to show me around on his motorbike as he is keen to improve his English. ‘I drive very safe’, he said. I declined
Beyond the pier I could see fishing boats pulled up on the beach. I took a walk that way, getting some hassle from some groups of teenage boys who called to me and wanted to have their picture taken with me.
The boats were interesting and a group of men were just setting off for a fishing trip. I took some pictures thinking that Guy would be interested.

At the end of the boats I came to an open area of beach with a few open-sided huts and some piles of baskets. I guess this is the fish market area and the business is completed for the day. Under one roof and group of men squatted playing cards.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Just catching up on your amazing blog.....makes my France trip very boring. Only up to 12th September and looking forward to the rest.
Love from Pat x x x