Tuesday 6 September 2011

Family life

Anu, the guest house proprietor, took a trip to visit friends in Bangalore and his brother Shyam was there for breakfast instead. Anu is 28 and as yet unmarried. Shyam must be the elder brother; probably in his early 30s. he told me he is married and has a boy of 1 year. Over serving the breakast he gave me his perspective on family life. He said that there are still many arranged marriages - his was arranged - but times are changing. Indians are looking to the west to see how things are done and this probably won't be how his own children marry. Shyam also owns a guest house and he lives there for much of the time because of his work, but his wife and child live with his parents somewhere else in Cochi and he goes and stays with them when he can.
Indian life-expectancy is about 60 years. Indian marry and have children young (20-30), so that by the time they are old, their children will be fully grown and able to look after them. He talked about the benefits of an extended family. The children feel safe, loved and secure, with several generations to care for and guide them. The grandparents can enjoy having the children and grandchildren around; can hlp with the childcare and in turn be looked after when they need help. The grown up children have some freedom, as the responsibility of caring for the children is shared and they can work knowing that the children are cared for.


Shaz said...

Hi Helen,

Wow what a start to your travels. India looks just like I remember amd as yousay - the roads are FUN!

It sems odd you being there whilst we have started work!!! All dull here too.

Enjoy and take care! Love Sharon x

cheaperthantherapy said...

We have shown Brenda your first few 'blogs' and I will print off the last few and post them to her. Looks like you are having a great time Love Sarah

Kate said...

Hi Helen
Just to let you know how different the weather is here... we've had rain for the last 4 days and it's pretty foggy too. Your photos make it appear warm and sunny - lucky you. What a lovely record of your travels. I bet Megan likes seeing pictures of Granny the other side of the world. Have you had the chance to do any drawing yet?
We collected loads of apples last weekend and made gallons of apple juice. It was a delightful way to spend the day. I'm not sure I have the technology to attach a picture!
I look forward to reading more. Love KateXX