Sunday 30 October 2011

Jade Mountain

The next day a group of us take a trip to the top of Jade Mountain. It is a cloudy day, but hope that it will clear and allow us some glimpses of the mountain peak. As we walk out of the old town to find a taxi we pass this statue of Chairman Mao in the new town square.
statue of Chairman Mao

We take a taxi up the mountain to the tourist centre, then we join a mass of Chinese jostling for a bus, then we have the peace and quiet of our own cable car which swings through the mist up to the top cable car station which is at 4506m. I feel lightheaded and slightly dizzy from the altitude. Everyone gets their photo taken to show they have arrived.
me and others at 4506m

The mist begins to clear and the Chinese gasp and cheer as the peaks and surrounding scenery become visible. There are wooden steps going higher from the cable car station and we join the parade of Chinese to reach the top point. A workman in a uniform with a shovel attempts to clear the ice from the steps. We have to walk slowly because of the altitude and carefully because of the slipperiness of the steps.
clearing the steps

Chinese people on the mountain
mountain scenery

our group by the Chinese flag at 4626m


Jackie D said...

Hope you got your thermals on Helly! Just caught up on all your travels.. fantastic. Particularly like the Tibetan news, food for thought me thinks! Be careful with Thailand, especially Bangkok, British government are advising not to go. Seeing the pictures on the news I would have to agree! But, hey, you only live once..possibly make for an interesting blog. Well impressed with your technological know-how, Helly.
You have a fab time. You'll never see home in the same light again! I can see VSO coming on:) x
Take care, love Jackie and Lesley x

Jackie D said...

Hope you got your thermals on Helly! Just caught up on all your travels.. fantastic. Particularly like the Tibetan news, food for thought me thinks! Be careful with Thailand, especially Bangkok, British government are advising not to go. Seeing the pictures on the news I would have to agree! But, hey, you only live once..possibly make for an interesting blog. Well impressed with your technological know-how, Helly.
You have a fab time. You'll never see home in the same light again! I can see VSO coming on:) x
Take care, love Jackie and Lesley x