Wednesday 11 July 2012

Morraine Lake and the Valley of the Ten Peaks

For our last day in the Lake Louise area we arrive early in a car park by Morraine Lake, knowing that as it is a sunny summer holiday weekend it will be very busy here later. The sun is behind the high peaks; the lake is in shadow and floating logs congregate and are stuck where the stream leaves the lake.
Moraine Lake

The mountains that run alongside the lake and valley form 10 peaks. A view of the lake and these peaks used to adorn the back of the $20 bill. Each of the peaks is between 3000-4000m high.
We take a path which climbs up from the lake, with views through the trees back down to the lake and across to the peaks.
(Some of the) Ten Peaks

Moraine Lake

Once we have climbed for a while, the path meanders pleasantly along a sunny terrace, then breaks out into an open meadow decorated with alpine flowers.

Brigitte in the Meadow


We stop for a while to admire a marmot sunbathing on a rock. He is not bothered about us being there and looks directly at the camera and turns his best profile to us.

On the other side of the meadow the path traverses a steep scree bank and then crosses a drift of snow. The further up the valley we go the more of the ten peaks we can see.


(some more of the) Ten Peaks

We reach an alpine lake, which is still partly frozen. Beyond here the path continues to negotiate a pass which is still covered in snow, but we are stopping here for our picnic lunch. We sit on rocks looking out over Eiffel Lake and a chipmunk comes to investigate and becomes very bold as he looks for our crumbs. and shares our crumbs.
Eiffel Lake


After lunch we retrace out steps back down the valley to the lake where we find plenty of tourists enjoying the sunshine and the view.
Canoes on Morraine Lake

It is our last evening in the Lake Louise hostel and we treat ourselves to a meal and a bottle of wine in the café there. Looking at the picture we realise we are both dressed in pink, drinking pink wine in a pink café – nice!
Dinner and Pink Wine

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